Saturday, June 13, 2009


I just finished Saving Juliet. It was super cute! It's maybe a little grown-up for middle school, but most of it was tame enough. The protag. is 17ish, so it's probably intended for high schoolers.

Anyway, it's about a girl who has to act the part of Juliet in her family's theater. Only she hates it. She hates it so much that she's been getting stage fright and even throwing up on stage. Finally, the night of the final performance, she decides to run away. There's a struggle and a small bottle of ashes around her neck breaks...

Suddenly, she's not in the theater any more. Mimi has been transported back in time (and into fiction) to Verona. But she's not just there to witness the play; everything she does seems to be changing it!

I really want to tell you the rest of the story, but it's so good, I think you should just read it yourself. It won't take long!

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